Sep 27, 2009

Finally,U're back!!

It have been 10 days never updated my blog....
Feel so sorry 'coz i had promised myself to 'reactive' my new blog...

Well,I went back during the hari raya holidays..
Basically nothing special happening,but the most happy and excited thing is to MEET MY BOYFRIEND!! ^-^

Both of us never meet each other for 6 months..(excluding seeing each other in webcame with the super lousy internet in India),honestly,abit awkward when saw him at the 1st sight at the airport..Don't know how to describe the feeling...But luckily the feeling gone after few miliseconds..=P

During these holidays,he almost met most of my relatives..haha...looked at his shy and paiseh face,so cute...Not i purposely brought him to see them,I just too long never meet them and my parents felt i should pay a visit to them.....

Back to Penang,time for both of us also not much....'coz i gt class on thurs and friday..And during the weekends, we went out for movies and dinner with friends....

And now,he went back KT already....*sob sob*
Started to miss him.....
Dear,please come back soon......

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