Jan 20, 2010

I need a good ZZzzzz!!!

I hate the alarm sound....
Coz everytime i nearly kissed the handsome prince in my dream and it wakes me up!!GRRHHH
To my handphone alarm,can you please wait for me to finish my lovely dream before u start yelling??

I hate the cocks crow outside my windows....

Coz their voices are just too irritating..and sometimes even crow at 3am!!
To the cocks,can you please crow with a nicer and pleasant voice??and do you need me to buy you a watch,coz i am wondering why u always crow at the midnight....

I hate the sky start turning bright out there.....

Coz the sunlight forces my eyes to open....
To Mr.Sunny,is it possible to show your face outside my window later than other windows,erm...around 1 hour??so that i can have a better excuse to tell my lecturers why i overslept...

I love my comfy bed....

To my lovely bed,do you love me??The time we spend together is less than 5 hours per day...So if you do <3 me,can you think of some ideas so that we can stick together longer....You never know it's so hard for me to get away from you...

Just woke up from the bed...mind is blur..eyes are heavy....
Don't know why i am writing this crapppssss....
Feel like taking benzodiazepine so that i can have a wonderful,peaceful good zzzzzzz.........

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