Dec 9, 2009


Skipping whole day today,
well,i know it is so not me........
but I don't know why i like the feeling of being so-not-liyin........

Thinking of bunking off the class for so long but i didn't have the guts to do so.....
And now finally i had tried it........
Honestly i'm abit addicted to the feeling of not going to class....

Maybe it's because these few days really exhausted and couldn't sleep well at night,
my mind can't concentrate in doing anything
the body and the brain are on strike to warn me that it's time for them to take a rest........

Though relax for 1 day,but tons of works are still await me,
thinking of the unstoppable works to be done,
unstoppable books to be studied,
my whole body is starting to get heavier again............


1 comment:

  1. cheer up! u will finish ur work soon! u jus need a bit time!
